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Does Grammar Still Matter?

Does Grammar Still Matter?

Grammar, as defined by linguists, is a description of how a certain language operates. Contrary to what a lot of people think, grammar is not a tool to decide whether a language is right or wrong. It is simply an essential means that delivers meaning, provides clarity...
How the Pandemic Has Changed the Way We Write

How the Pandemic Has Changed the Way We Write

The pandemic has changed the way we do just about everything, including the way we write. That might not come as much of a surprise to you if you are a writer, but it’s still an interesting fact. Physically, there isn’t much of a difference between the way...
The Art of the Short Story: Publishing

The Art of the Short Story: Publishing

For many writers, the short story format remains one of the most challenging literary forms to master. Moreover, publishing a short story in a renowned journal or magazine can take plenty of planning, preparation, research, and effort. Fortunately, there are a few...
Choosing the Best POV for Your Short Story

Choosing the Best POV for Your Short Story

The typical short story has fewer than 8000 words. Every decision you make as a writer holds extra weight when working with such limited space. One of the most basic storytelling choices—which POV to use—is also one of the most impactful. What Is POV? The point of...